Thursday, November 12, 2009

We did out x-rays already this morning and the Dr.s called down to the pharmacy to fill Jadens meds. The pharmacy will have the meds ready around 10:30am which is around when the Dr.s will be doing their rounds. Sal is on his way and will get here in about 45 minutes so it should all work out perfectly. So hopefully we will be at the Ronald McDonald House by 11:30 packing. Yeah!!!

Getting home will be very nice but we still have a lot of work ahead of us. Jaden needs to rebuild his strength and we will need to re-evaulate where he is at for eating as well as fine & gross motor. We then will have the trust and insecurity issues to deal with. So a lot of work ahead of us. Plus, then we have to deal with Ash & Ethan and helping them talk through and cope with this all as well as have some quality time with each of them. So after my initial 24 hour sleep I'm going to take then we'll start ;-)


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Great news!! It will be nice to have a quiet week-end at home! Wonderful news!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry I did not get to see you all before you left today , but so glad you got to go home. A long time from home for both of you.
Hope you all have a restful, family weekend.
There is no place like home.

Love ,

janelle said...

So glad to hear you are on your way home. Hopefully you will have a nice long, quiet family weekend to just chill and be together. I will call you next week to see when Jessie, DeAnna and I can come visit. Love, Janelle