Yesterdays Pre-Op Physical went well overall. We explained to Jaden where we were going and what we were going to do. When we got to the hotel he kept saying he wanted to go home. I asked him why and he said, "the Dr.s will shock me." I am not sure where he got that from or if he meant giving him a shot. He said that again when we were at the Dr.s. Jaden was scared the whole appointment and when they wanted to do the EKG, he was crying and yelling no. We tried everything and nothing worked. We had brought his doll JoJo who taught Jaden how to go potty in a potty chair and we hooked up the EKG stuff to JoJo but that didn't help. We ended up having to hold him down with the help of two nurses. Once we got the stickers on and everything plugged in, it was very quick with no pain. He was a big boy for his x-rays and stood exactly as he was told. I was so proud of him.
The surgeon came in and introduced himself. He is the Jr. Surgeon and his name is Roosevelt Bryant III MD. We did not know that he was going to be the primary one doing this surgery. He has only been doing surgeries for 2 years now. Sal and I were quite nervous for awhile. Then after getting to know him, we started to feel more comfortable. We asked him how many Fontans he has done and he said about 60 in the last two years. Dr. St. Louis who is the SR. surgeon will be doing the surgery as well, just not as the main surgeon. He is the one we thought was going to be doing it in the first place. So as we sat and asked many questions about Dr. Bryants medical history and his personal life, in the end we felt confident that he will do a good job. A friend, Jill, told me one day when we were talking at Northcrest that "two heads are better then one." So I kept telling myself this as the fairly new surgeon was explaining all that was going to happen. Hopefully with the two of them doing the surgery, if a problem arises a better decision will be made.
Dr. Bryant said every single thing lines up wonderfully for Jaden to get this surgery except for one thing. I thought when he said that, "give me a minute to prepare myself." Sal and I had not been given any indication before this point that there were any kind of issues. When all of the team met at their Friday meeting, this was brought to all of their attention. Due to Jaden having the stent, this is where the problem is. The stent is in the main artery where the blood will flow from the heart to the lung. The reason this is a problem is because the side where the stent is, is more narrow then the other side so blood will not be equally flowing to the entire body. No one at the meeting could make a decision about if they should enlarge it more at surgery or leave it be. They decided they can only make this decision when the chest is open and they are looking at the heart. Where the stent is, is very hard to get at. So the complications, if they leave it alone, his body may not be able to function properly with the uneven blood flow and they may have to go in later to do another heart cath to try and enlarge it. The problem with this is you run the risk of the stent popping and then he could die instantly. (This is the problem anytime a stent is dealt with). If they do it in surgery and it pops, then Jaden would already be on Bypass so they could just repair it if that were to happen. Doing this would cause more complications though and possible more issues in the future. So they do not know the best option. Jaden could be fine with the uneven blood flow or he may not be. Either way is risky so they just want to wait to see what all they are dealing with when they open Jaden up.
So lots of prayers: 1. for our family and Jaden to stay 100% healthy from now until surgery. 2. for the surgeons to be completely rested and comfortable the day of the surgery with a clear mind. 3. for the surgeons to make a wise decision when they are looking at the stent and what to do with it. 4. for Jaden to stay strong through all of this and come out of the surgery with his strength, strong will, and spunky attitude he always has. 5. for us to be able to stay calm and know that God is with us all and to help Ash & Ethan work through it appropriately as well.
Like I said, lots of prayers are needed. But I told Dr. Bryant, I was going to take a picture of his 6 year old son and put it next to Jadens face so that he treated Jaden like his own. Dr. Bryant said he would do that even without the picture. After I said that, Jaden started poking him and hiding from him and Dr. Bryant then instantly fell in love with Jaden. After Dr. Bryant left he even came back in trying to give Jaden a piece of candy. So now Jaden has his surgeon wrapped around his little finger which is exactly where I want him to be.
Jaden was a wonderful boy yesterday and he endured a lot but didn't act up or whine or anything. We were so proud of him and how well he handled his very long day.
Friday, October 30, 2009
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Ok, I have to not read your blog at work anymore...I don't like to cry at work! My heart is with you and Jaden right now. Wishing for a successful surgery for Jaden and peaceful minds for you and Sal.
We will continue to pray for you all and will include all 5 points and then some. With all you have been through as a family, you are truly an inspiration to us. Ken, Krista and kids
So glad you are feeling comfortable with the surgeon. Will be praying for peace as he enters surgery, and wisdom as they deal with the stent.
Thank you for taking time to update us on Jayden. My heart felt prayers are with you all for a successful surgery. Do not hestiate to let us know if we can help in any other way...Dios te bendiga! Mary
We are praying for you all every day. Ross talks a lot about the surgery and wants to know the details whenever we get information. We all keep Jaden close to our hearts and prayers consistently on or lips.
Love, Ryan, Tammy, Alan, Ross and Derek
Hi. I am so glad that Jaden made it through his pre-op exam like such a brave little boy. He is amazing. So are you and Sal. I can't believe all the detailed information you got. You should be getting your medical docorate degree anyday now. We will send lots of prayers your way. Love, Janelle and Terry
Praying for all you asked for. I will be watching for updates.
Steph & Sal,
I love your blog! It makes it so easy to stay in touch and update everyone on what is happening in Jaden's life. Please know that even though we can't be with you, we're sending you our love and prayers and will pray for strength for everyone.
Oh! I was so glad that Paula sent this to me so we can pray for you all on THE day and before. I am so proud of your assertiveness with the Dr.-so needed in this day! My heart aches for you in hearing of the seriousness of the decisions they will be making. God is with you through all of this and i pray that He gives you His peace that passes all understanding. I pray that He will give you rest. I pray that you will feel His arms around each one of you. lovingly, Connie for the Lindquist
ps even though i know the issues that come with open heart surgery for one's child and that may make my mercy deeper and richer...i have no clue as to the kind of need for peace that you are going to need....peace would be a HUGE miracle that will be needed BUT we serve a mighty God...He is able;} MANY hugs going your way!!!!
Praying for your family, the surgeon and medical facility and Jaden's successful recovery from surgery. Thinking of you so much these days. I'll be keeping watch to see more updates and have passed on Jaden's story to others.... there are so many praying for him!
(Megan W.'s mom)
After I read your last entry I just let out a big sigh of relief because I am so glad you feel comfortable with the surgen and that Jaden too was feeling comfortable with this very important person. Your strength and spirit never cease to amaze me. Seriously.
~Tia Kelly
Thanks for a very nice evening .
Ethan , great painting ,we had fun !!
Ashley , Great big sister.
See you all tomorrow.
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