Yesterday I called Steph to see how she has been feeling. A little bird told me that they had a bug. Not to mention that 3 doctors appointments in 1 week has them run a little ragged, they are also quite sleep deprived. I offered to bring her a meal, coffee, or run to Target for her. Surprisingly, she opted for some Chicken Noodle Soup (and later sent Sal for the coffee, of course). I took the soup over last night and was tickled pink to get a chance to chat with my friends plus get a look at Jaden.
Their Wednesday appointment with the doctor was a little more helpful than the others had been. Through the appointment Jaden was in a good mood, smiling, etc, but when they laid him down to get him dressed, he started crying. The doctor then realized that this is what Steph & Sal had been talking about. She agreed with them that "this is no bug." She looked him over again, trying to see if there was anything obvious. They decided that Jaden needs to go in to see Chip and got an appointment scheduled for next week. Since he has woken up from surgery, Jaden insists on laying only on his side to sleep. So he sleeps with his head elevated and on his side, with his knees drawn up to his chest. He does not tolerate being on his back at all.
Yesterday (Thursday), the home care nurse came by to check on Jaden. She was not at all pleased with how he looked. (Don't we love her for sticking up for Steph?!) She insisted that he needed to see the cardiologist now, not next week. So began the phone calls to work something out. Of course, Chip is not available today (he is working down in the cities), so he actually referred them to a different cardiologist. He said they would have all of Jaden's records sent over, and that Chip himself would put his work aside and come over if needed during the meeting (how is that for a change?). That appointment is this afternoon. Please pray that God would give the doctors wisdom as they look at Jaden, and possibly be able to solve the mystery that is going on.
Now for how Jaden looked to me. :) When I got there, he was sleeping. Eventually he woke up (yeah, I stayed a while). The first thing I asked was if he had a fever. Steph said, "No, he's just actually pink!" That was so wonderful to see--pink cheeks on our superstar. He was fussing pretty hard, but once Steph made a bottle and took him in her arms he snuggled right into her and calmed down. Wow, does he love his mama! He dozed in her arms and when he woke up again, he seemed more content, but it wasn't the Jaden that I'm used to seeing! With every breath he took, he seemed to have a little grunt as well, as if in pain but tolerating it. He also had his knees curled up almost the whole time he was awake--totally not the "bouncing baby boy" that wears your arms out. He did smile and play for a few minutes, and then it was off to bed again. I am a stranger to him, and he kept eyeing me down to make sure I wouldn't poke him
Finally, another rave for Fifth Gear and Sal and his dad! Our car has needed the catalytic converter replaced for some time (due to a hole in the pipe). Their speedy service had my car done in only one day. It is so much quieter now and no more stinky exhaust in the car! Yay! :)
Hope everyone has a great day!
Hey Steph T... Thanks for the update!
Steph, I'm sorry you are not feeling good. I'm sure a lack of sleep doesn't help much with that. I hope you enjoyed your soup (and your coffee *grin*).
I was going to offer to take Ashley and Ethan for a day, but last night Chase started running a fever, and today it is quite high... not something I want to be sending home to your house! After he recovers though, that offer will stand!
I'll be praying today, and looking for the post-app't update.
Love ya!
I hope Jaden's appointment went well today, and the cardiologist can solve this mystery. I'll continue to pray for your family.
Take care.
Steph T... You are a true BLESSING..........
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