Jaden wanted to say goodnight to everyone. We just took this picture and wanted to share it.
We will be staying in the PICU until the surgery because he has lines in him. Since it is so hard to put them in him and that is the reason we had to delay the surgery and now we are having some big issues, it is not worth taking them out to do it all over again.
Sorry for the very long and not correct sentence. I hope you all understand.
Good night to you all. Talk to everyone in the morning!
He is so cute!!! He is such a happy and strong baby! Thanks for sharing such an adorable picture.
Have a good night!
Luv, Stacy
What a sweet picture. I hope that you all had a good night. He looks great! It will be a long week for all of you - make sure that you both get your rest too, Steph & Sal, take advantage of your support group that is there with you!
Our prayers will continue for all of you!
You should be here to see how GREAT Steph is. She
is the best mom in the world!!! She is miss cool, calm
and collected... When the doctors did rounds Friday
morning, she stood right there in the circle with all
eight of them, and was part of the whole report and
discussion. The lead doctor checked with her often
to see if what he was suggesting was meeting with
her approval! Taking time for herself, i;e.: eating,
resting and bathroom breaks are the farthest thing
from her mind.... I am SO PROUD to be your dad,
And Sal, aka Shorty: his business is so well
organized that it keeps going on its own. Just a few
phone calls from him, and things are okay. He is
Mr. FedEx for sure..
Jaden is so lucky that the two of you are his mom
and dad.
I Love You Both, Dad.
Hi my honeys,
We will be heading back today. Ashley has been just great! We miss you all.
When we left two days ago, Jaden had been out to the world.... It is soooo GREAT to see his eyes open and smiling like himself again. It just wasn't right the other way. It is nice to see the tubes and tape gone from his mouth.
Has he been learning to stay still so he doesn't pull the lines out?
Well, we will see you this afternoon.
Love you so much,
It is unbelievable how HAPPY he looks :) How many of us would have a smile that big on our faces in his position?!
I pray this week will go quickly for you and that all will go as planned on Friday.
Hi Steph and Sal,
What a cutie!! You guys are so amazing. I don't think that I would deal with all of this stuff as well as you have. GREAT job!!!
Take care and we will keep the prayers going.
He is just too cute for words!
I pray that this week will go fast and that Friday will go smoothly.
Our prayers are with you all :)
What a handsome little man! He is on such an amazing journey and I'm so glad you are allowing all of us to come along with you.
Keep getting stronger little Jaden!!!
Love ya,
Steph T
Hope that all is well. The prayers are going strong here and I know many other places too. Hang in there!
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