BABY "JADEN AUSTIN GONZALEZ'S" HEART... "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength." -Unknown
How sweet are those noises - he's telling someone a story, isn't he?!Keep up the good work - you're all doing great!Hugs to everyone!Love,Karen
How cute :)I was thinking when you were up front on Sunday that it was so WONDERFUL to be able to hear him cry/fuss! It's not often that you can say that :)What a miracle!!~kjl
Those are the sweetest sounds a parent loves to hear. He sounds great! Have a great week-end.Love,Krista
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How sweet are those noises - he's telling someone a story, isn't he?!
Keep up the good work - you're all doing great!
Hugs to everyone!
How cute :)
I was thinking when you were up front on Sunday that it was so WONDERFUL to be able to hear him cry/fuss! It's not often that you can say that :)
What a miracle!!
Those are the sweetest sounds a parent loves to hear. He sounds great! Have a great week-end.
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