Gonzalez's Heart
We had a very busy weekend. Friday night we took the kids to see Jaden again. They love seeing him. Especially Ashley. My uncle and aunt Curt and Diane came to visit which was really nice.
Saturday, my cousins Stacy and Krista came to visit. While we were at the hospital, they tried taking the ventilator out. While they were doing that, I was holding Jadens hand and he would squeeze my finger. Everything they did though would not make him take a breath. They had to pump him and after so long, they decided they had to put the ventilator back in. That was pretty hard. After that, our brother in law Bill and Bill's mom came to visit. Sal took them to see Jaden while me and the kids took a nap.
Today Sal, the kids and I went in the morning and Jaden was very responsive and alert. After lunch, Sal's sister Wendy and dad Jose came to visit. They had not seen him yet. Sal brought them over while me and the kids took a nap again. When we woke up, my brother Ryan and sister in law Tammy came. Wendy watched the kids while the four of us went to visit. Jaden opened his eyes today and it was so cool to see. While we were there, I also got to hold Jaden again. It was so wonderful. He had been pretty active and then when I was holding him he totally cuddled into my arm and went right to sleep. It was so wonderful. When we were leaving the hospital, we heard someone shout out "Sal" and looked to see one of my dearest friends Angie and her boyfriend Chris, so we turned around and went right back in.
We had a great weekend and Jaden took many new steps. He also got started on milk. He will get 1oz a day. I was so excited. It looks as if he is getting stronger. Sal will hold Jaden tomorrow and we are both very excited as he has not had a turn yet.
I am sorry I tried to post a picture but it would not work so maybe tomorrow. Surgery is Tuesday at 8:15am. We will need to be there by 7am to see him before he goes in. Please do some major praying and have everyone praying. It will not be done until at least 4pm. They said that the rest of the night will be very long and hard and no one will get sleep as he will be all over the board. So keep the prayers rolling as much and often as you can.
We will write again tomorrow. Love to you all, Steph
Sunday, April 09, 2006
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Hi guys-
Steph, I am glad that you go to hold Jaden again. That is so wonderful. It will also be great for Sal tomorrow. I know it is hard to not hold him all the time.
It is good to hear that you are getting to nap during the day. It is important that you and Sal stay strong for Ashley & Ethan and especially Baby Jaden.
Have a great day tomorrow and enjoy every minute you get to spend with Jaden!
Luv, Stacy
We are praying for you! You know that I won't be able to think about anything else for the entire day Tuesday!!
I sent you a package, and I'm hoping it will be there by Tuesday (for sure Wednesday). Mitch says I can come down on Friday, so now I have to find someone either to watch Josh for me or to come with. =) Mitch will be doing daycare and really doesn't want to swing trying to care for Josh for that long as well. If anyone reading this feels like they want to ride along with me from St. Cloud, then speak up!!
That reminds me, several people have told me that they are reading, just not posting.
I'm glad to read that you are getting rest too. It's easy to forget that you are also recovering, and if you were at home I'm sure that things would be a lot different and you'd be taking more time to rest and recuperate. Don't ignore your own body. ;)
I will pray that your stubborn little man will do better the next time they try taking him of the ventilator. Have fun holding him and "playing" with him today!!
Steph T & Mitch
Hi Steph and Sal,
Wow, you did have a very busy week-end. It sounds like your little guy is getting stronger every day. I bet that was great to hold him and Sal will be in heaven when he holds him today! What special times you are having beofre th surgery tomorrow. Jaden will be in God's hands tomorrow as will all of you! We continue to pray for strength for all of you!
It was great to see you guys and the Ronald McDonald house. What a GREAT place that is.
Just know that we are praying for you and hope that all goes well tomorrow.
Did they ever get him off of the ventilator then? Are they gonig to try again?
Take care and the best of luck tomorrow.
Okay, hopefully this time my notes get posted. As much as computers are a part of our daily lives, I just don't get them sometimes.
It's good to hear that although Jaden is still on the ventilator that he is holding his own. It sounds like everything is going how it was expected and I pray that tommorrow is no different. I looked at the Ronald McDonald House website and it looks like those pop can tabs really make a difference! It just goes to show how the little things can make such a huge difference. I love all the information your giving us Steph. Can't wait to see more pictures. The last one of Jaden was so clear. It's great to hear Ashley and Ethan's view of Jaden and all that is happening with him. Kids have a way of putting things so simply. Well, let me know if anything comes up that you need a hand in. Love and Prayers, Megan
I've got everyone I know praying for the Gonzalez family now and especially tomorrow. Jaden probably heard a lot of differnt voices this weekend and even if he doesn't understand I know he feels all the love that is surrounding him right now. I just know God is beaming as we all surrender to him, especially now!
I'm praying and will post the link to Gonzalez's Heart on my Christian Woman's board for prayer also.
Sounds like everyone had a busy weekend and that Jaden is getting stronger. What a blessing!
Prayers and love to you all!
Hey Steph & Sal,
What a support group your family has! There is strength in numbers and in prayer! I shared your updates with everyone at work today, and your family and especially little Jaden will be in everyone's prayers tomorrow!
We look forward to all the postings and love the pictures! He is a precious baby! Take care of him and yourselves.
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