Gonzalez's Heart
The night before.....
We are doing good considering tomorrow is the day. Sal had to go to St. Cloud again today to get a new truck and driver on the road. He just got back a little bit ago. Kelly and I went to see Jaden tonight and ink padded his foot and hand print. Our friend Robin P. sent this cute double frame that came with an ink pad to do his feet and hands (thank you Robin for the wonderful care package. The kids have had fun with the paper and marker kit). So Kelly and I did it tonight. It worked really good and is so cute. The nurse says he has a mit not hands, his hands are that big I guess. I thought that was funny.
Sal and I will go there tomorrow morning at 6am. I got to do one of his scrub downs tonight which is preparing him for surgery. It was a bitter sweet moment. Moving on to the next step, but preparing him for such a major operation.
I better go. I have many things to get together for tomorrow. Thank you all for the prayers. Keep them coming.
Love, Steph
Thursday, April 13, 2006
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Steph, Sal, and All,
I have said so many prayers for you today as you get ready for the surgery tomorrow. He is a tough little guy and things will go well for hom, I just feel it. We have so many angels that are watching over you!
I wil check her often tomorrow to see how tings are going and I wish I wa there to give you great big hugs!!!
Love to you all,
Krista and family
(((Hugs))) Steph & Sal! We will be praying for you tomorrow. All day!
Love ya,
Steph & Sal,
So many people are praying for little Jaden, especially today. Lean on each other today, your family & extended family & friends and trust in God!
We'll check back often today for any news! Sending lots of hugs & love your way!
Love to everyone!
Karen & Sam
With everything else on your mind, how thoughtful of you to call last night and check on our safety!! Sorry I was sleeping, but it was late!! But, glad that Sam was home to answer my phone!!
The storms just missed us!! They did blow all the storm sirens and said there were 20 tornado's in the area!!! Yikes!! Iowa City was hit pretty hard and had lots of damage, as did Muscatine, which is just south of us...Kind of reminded us of a time when 2 guys we knew got lost and spent a stormy night in a ditch!!!
Thanks again for thinking of us - -take care of yourself and each other...We're praying for all of you today!
Hoping everything got off to a good start this AM with the surgery. I will check back later.
I was with Steph & Sal & family at the hospital this morning. Jaden went into the OR at 7:27. They say the surgery will go until about 3:00 but they also say that a lot of times it goes longer. Family is doing well. Mama Rose will be with S & S all day long. I will go back for an hour or so later today and hopefully can help and post an update as to how the surgery is going.
I have a candle burning all day for baby Jaden.
Thanks for the update Kelly! The candle is a great idea, too, a good visual reminder to be in prayer.
It blows my mind to think of all the details of the surgery...I pray that God will be in there with the doctors and the nurses, guiding the surgeon's hands and giving renewed stamina and wisdom. I pray too for emotional resound for Steph and Sal and the family. Trying not to focus on the "what ifs" but instead on the joy of the moment that Jaden will join his family at home with his little heart working strongly as it should until the next surgery.
Love ya!
Steph T
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