Gonzalez's Heart
Cindy, you are right. One of the nurses already said that we better plan on calling him "Super Star" when we get home because that is the only name he will know. And yes dad you are so funny. I know you think you heard him say grandpa. It will be great as we will be able to understand him say grandpa because guess what? They took the ventilator out around 2pm and he is doing WONDERFULLY!!!
It is so exciting to actually be able to see his sweet face. I have only seen it in full without anything about 3 times or so. It is nice to finally get a look at how our boy really looks. I have been pestering the nurse for awhile and she is about to let me hold him. I can't wait!!! And do you guys know what this means? His first visitor tonight will probably get to hold him also.
This day has been so great and sad all in one. God probably took Amber yesterday on purpose. He knew I would have the great joys of Jaden's advancement to help me deal better with the loss. Who knows.
There will be pictures of Jaden with out the ventilator posted later this evening. Make sure to check back then to see how super cute he is.
Love to you all. Sorry I don't want to write anymore, but I can be holding Jaden right now and I guess I could say, I would rather be doing that.
Love, Steph
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
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You go girl!!! I absolutely know that everybody would want you to be holding that SWEET liitle Jaden, rather than typing a note to all of us!! What a truly GREAT DAY!! Enjoy every minute you have with him and give him lots of kisses! I can't wait to see the little angel.
Keep breathing on your own little one so you can go home and you and your family can ll be together.
Yipee!! What a blessing these past 2 weeks have been. With all the tests that Jaden has been through he's been acing everyone!! We can't wait for the full pics of him. Will he be able to nurse or bottle feed soon then? Hope for you Steph that nursing is still possible as that's what you'd hoped for. Love and prayers, Megan
I am so happy for Jaden!! He finally gets to cry!!!! It will be great for all of you to get to hold and spoil him. With all he has been through, he deserves to be spoiled. I bet Ashley and Ethan will be excited to see him without the vent!
Everyone at work asks about him often. (It is so nice to have friends that care about him even though they don't know any of you.) They will all be very excited when I give them this news. It is so funny when they all gather around my desk so they can look at all the pictures.
I hope you spend more time holding Jaden and less time updating us! Let those that can't hold him do the updating.
Take care and I can't wait to see the new pictures!!
Luv, Stacy
What wonderful news!! How awesome to see Jaden's entire face and for him to be breathing on his own! Enjoy every minute - he is a precious baby and deserves all the hugs and kisses that you want to give! Everyone at my work asks about him all the time too, and they will be so excited when I go in tomrorow a.m. with this news!
So sorry about Amber - but, you wouldn't have wanted her to suffer. It is so hard, but she's not in pain anymore!
Give Jaden a kiss from us!
Yaaaayyyy!! Tears of joy here! I could barely squeak out the news to Mitch I am so happy and choked up. =)
Don't feel bad about holding Jaden instead of getting on the computer (I know you won't). You snuggle him up close and I'll look for an update after you decide to come up for air (which will be in, like, 6 months, right?)!! :D
I found this online and thought of you :
A Child's Angel
Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God:
"They tell me you are sending me to earth soon, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"
"Among the many angels, I chose one for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."
"But tell me, here in Heaven, I don't do anything else but sing and smile, that's enough for me to be happy."
"Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. And you will feel your angel's love and be happy."
"And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me, if I don't know the language that men talk?"
"Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."
"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"
"Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."
"I've heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?"
"Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life."
"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."
"Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you."
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child in a hurry asked softly:
"Oh God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."
"Your angel's name is of no importance, you will call your angel: Mommy"
You're a wonderful mother, Stephanie.
Today, when I walked in to Jaden's room, there he was looking so beautiful with his mommy holding him. What a sight! It was about time... that is what the picture is suppose to be right after delivering a baby - holding, loving your child, being able to see you baby's face with out anything attached. Well that was the picture now, two weeks and one day later. Wow, what has transpired. I took a picture with Steph's camera so you will all get to see what I saw, stiches all done, no respirator, his eyes open and held by mommy.
He started crying a few times... just little sounds. They hadn't given him any pain medication and that is probably why he was trying to cry so hard. They did give him a half dose then.
I was very very lucky to get to hold him too. He was so beautiful!! What a sweetie. When the nurses started taking him away from mommy, he started crying, so when I got him he was squeeking out his little cry sounds. You just want to take his pain away. Not fair for such a little one.
Angie - - - your little Angel story was so awesome, it brought tears to my eyes. I could just see Jaden in that spot asking the questions and the mommy angel as Stephanie. Thanks sweetie for that. I miss you...
Kelly - - - you have been such a wonderful friend, it was nice for you to stay with Steph with Sal back in St. Cloud, and even though you bring brillo pads while we waited for surgery, we won't question your behaviors. :))
Robyn - - - you are the most supportive sister to Stephanie that anyone could ask for. You are always thinking about her and all your family members, you show so much love for the kids, thanks for hanging out with me and the kids part of Tuesday and helping picking them up, and for the new shoes for Ethan and shirt for Ashley, and fun new craft project. Ashley immediately made something for Jaden. With all the changes in their homelife, it is nice to have some little extra attention.
Well, that is all for now.
See you tomorrow Stephanie for breakfast. Let me know when to pick you up. Anyone else want to go out with us? It was a Kelly discovery... a hole in the wall, but with GREAT FOOD.
nitey nite, mama Rose
This is wonderful news! I am so happy for you, and of course, Jaden. Imagine how much better this must feel for your little darling. I'll continue to pray for Jaden's speedy recovery.
Hey honey bunches .... ( I used to call Robyn Honey Bunces of Oats... then it went down to Honey Bunches... ) there are other names I called her too, but this one stuck the longest.
Anyway ... great pictures!!! Yes Jaden is a star. You can know I will be looking for something with a star on it that calls out "Jaden".
It feels so good that things look bright. If Jaden can get through this, he can get through anything. It's the love... everyone sharing it in their own special way. Salute'
Catch you on the rerun... mama rose
Hey honey bunches .... ( I used to call Robyn Honey Bunces of Oats... then it went down to Honey Bunches... ) there are other names I called her too, but this one stuck the longest.
Anyway ... great pictures!!! Yes Jaden is a star. You can know I will be looking for something with a star on it that calls out "Jaden".
It feels so good that things look bright. If Jaden can get through this, he can get through anything. It's the love... everyone sharing it in their own special way. Salute'
Catch you on the rerun... mama rose
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