Well, everything at the doctors office went well today. All things are normal and where they should be with me. However, I am dialated 2cm and -1. The baby has dropped and is getting ready to come. Dr. Reagan said just be prepared to possibly have the baby this weekend. She made sure I understood that if I did go into labor, I would need to deliver at the St. Cloud hospital..
If that happened, they would then take the baby immediatly after delivery to the U of M hospital. I would not be released until they knew all was fine with me which would be to long for me. So we all need to send messages to this little one to not be to anxious to come out yet. Dr. Reagan said it is not completly uncommon for women who have already had children to start dialating early but gave me her cell number to call if the baby did come. She made sure to tell me many times to go to the St. Cloud hospital. (As if she was predicting the baby to come this weekend.)
This weekend, my dad will come on Saturday to help with some things and Kelly will come on Sunday. Robyn and Bill will be coming around to help with what is needed also. I plan on cleaning my minivan really good then packing and loading the van. I want to be packed before Monday and ready to go.
I hope you all have a great weekend. I am looking forward to it and will enjoy this last weekend at home (for awhile) with our family and friends.
Love to you all, Steph
Thursday, March 23, 2006
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It sounds like the Dr. visit went very well. It has to be a relief to know that all is going well so far. That is great that you have so many people that are able to come this week-end. As hard as it is going to be, put your feet up and let them take care of you and spoil you a little!!
I am up and waiting for Mom and Dad to get here. They were leaving IA at 8ish, they were in Cedar Rapids, and thought they would drive all the way. We are all excited about them coming. I have made lunch for tomorrow and am just waiting now. The kids are going to be so excited to see them in the AM.
Have a great week-end and remember, let them spoil you a little, or a LOT.
You guys have a great time this weekend. It is always so fun to have family come over. The kids especially love it and these are the times that they always seem to cherish the most. You let gma and gpa spoil the kids this weekend. You let them do some of the work for you.
Oh the sun is starting to peek out. Yeah!!!!
I took Ethan to the eye dr this morning and Ashley last week. They both needed glasses. Ethan was so bad that if we would not have caught it in the next few years, he would have developed a permanent lazy eye. So all of you who have little ones, go get their eyes checked. They even check babies.
Have a marvelous day..
Love, Steph
What!! Both of your little ones need glasses already?? I figured since both you and Sal wear glasses that your kids would need them someday too but not already! But like you said good thing you checked...especially on Ethan. Well if your littlest one doesn't come early and comes on April 3rd as we are trying to plan...you had mentioned that you might come down Friday or Saturday. No problem! I guess kinda depending on your baby I do have tentative plans to take Claire out for a celebration dinner on Friday March 31st because she helped me greatly with getting my raise (yay!). But those are the only plans I had for the weekend. And of course you know you are still welcome in my home whether I am there or not! :)Just so you know Gonzalez family.
Hey Steph & Sal -
Good luck!! Everyone is praying for your family and the new baby! Take it easy and let everyone do the work for you. You enjoy the little break before things get even more crazy than they already are.
I hope you have a great weekend and good luck when your baby comes!!
Luv, Stacy
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