Hope you all enjoyed this weekend and the nice weather. We had a little bit of a hard one. Sal and his dad spent all of Thursday, all of Friday and most of Saturday working on one of our trucks for FedEx. They kept running into problems and were completely exhausted. They were not able to finish it so Sal's dad is working on it alone today. I called Robyn on Saturday and asked if she wanted to come and hang out so it would be easier for me. She spent along time here and we were playing on our computers. Thanks Bill for letting me borrow her!!!
Sunday I woke up not feeling so good. I had a little melt down. Everything had just crept up on me and it seemed I had so much to still get done. Plus everything seems to be going wrong all of a sudden. I am in the nesting phase and I just felt like in order for me to be o.k. leaving for possibly a long time, that I would need to get all of these things done. It seemed overwhelming.
On top of all of that, everything keeps happening. Our dryer broke the other day so we had to buy a new one. Then our dishwasher broke Friday and water leaked into the playroom closet and got everything soaking wet. Now we have to deal with all of that, cleaning it up and sorting it all. Plus, Amber (our dog) seemed to just all of the sudden get very sick. She is just not seeming to do very well. Of course with all of the stuff going on with our little baby, I am scared to take her to the vet. She seems to be worse than just having a little bug in her system.
Sal got a major account for work (which usually is a good thing) but is going to be extremely busy until the baby is due and there is no way physically I will be able to work on the playroom mess and emotionally I will not be able to take Amber to the vet to see what is wrong. I will ask Wendy if she will take her but they kind of need me or Sal to hear her history and how she normally acts.
So today, I woke up very tired and a little down. After I brought Ethan to pre school, I took a nap and am now hoping to pop out of it and know things will be fine and I need to let it go.
But I could use a lot of prayer right now for me to just be able to relax and let things be how they are. God is definitely testing me right now and I want to pass this test with flying colors and not let it all get the best of me.
Thank you for the prayers. I have my next Dr. apt. Thursday. I will let you know how that goes. It is 2 weeks from today that we will deliver this little baby. Very soon..
Love, Steph
Monday, March 20, 2006
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Hey Steph,
You sound way overwhelmed, but it will all work out - things have a way of doing that. Sometimes when you feel like you just can't take another kick, something happens, but you'll find the strength. I know that Sal is trying so hard too, but he can only work so many hours in a day too. Do you have anyone in your church that you can call for help? Sometimes you just have to ask, because people don't want to offend you by offering.
Just don't let it get the best of you - both of you are going to need your strength and be able to support each other when this baby comes. One day at a time.....It will all work out. I wish that we lived closer - we'd love to be there to help all of you!
We'll continue to keep all of you in our prayers.
Hi Steph,
I am sorry to hear that things have been so rough for you this past week. I remember feeling like this whan I was on bedrest and trying to get ready for the twins to be born. I wanted to get things done and I just couldn'tdo it. Somehow they will work out and everything will be OK. Just do what you can and accept help when it is offered and if it isn't iffered then don't be afraid to ask. That is what your friends and family are for. I think right now everybody wants to help you somehow but don't know how to. Just let tham know wha they can do. You have made it this far with the little one and don't want to do anything to harm it now. Take one day at a time!
We pray for you all and I would help out if I were closer. Let us know when you are at the Ronald McDonald house. Ken and I want to help you out with those expenses since we can't be there to help out another way.
Keep your chin up!!!
Thank you for the beautiful e-card you sent. It was very nice to get and it really touched us. Today went better than the last few.
Wendy took Amber in to the vet and it turns out she has Lyme disease and pancreitist. Anyway, she has to stay the night for them to hydrate her, lower her temp and make sure she does not throw up. I am glad to know that it is nothing worse (life threatening). She will be medicated for 21 days. I will have to pick her up tomorrow in the late afternoon.
We got back from swimming lessons just a little bit ago and it was so wierd not to have our dog here to greet us.
I better go, the timer for dinner just went off. Thanks again for all of your support.
Love, Steph
Oh man woman! Sometimes you just wonder why God is doing this, but then (I think) anyway that it is Satan who is really causing more stress. I can't believe all that happened! That's it I am coming up there this weekend. You need...something...anything...I can do to help, even if it just for a short period of time.
Love you all,
Kelly and Steph,
I am glad to see that Kelly is able to come and help out. Friends are the greatest. I hope that things have settled down a little bit so you have time to get your thoughts straight and get ready for this beautiful little one.
Have a good week-end and thanks Kelly!!
Kelly and Steph,
I am glad to see that Kelly is able to come and help out. Friends are the greatest. I hope that things have settled down a little bit so you have time to get your thoughts straight and get ready for this beautiful little one.
Have a good week-end and thanks Kelly!!
Kelly and Steph,
I am glad to see that Kelly is able to come and help out. Friends are the greatest. I hope that things have settled down a little bit so you have time to get your thoughts straight and get ready for this beautiful little one.
Have a good week-end and thanks Kelly!!
OOOPS, I think there was a problem with my computer, I reallu didn't mean to get my note on there so many times.
Hello Steph,
I'm Megan's mom...... Haley's "Nana"... we've met a few times and Megan told me of your challenges and medical concerns with this new baby. May God lift you and your family up and give you His forever peace that only He can give. May you know that you are NEVER alone, no matter how overwhelmed you feel or scary it is as you await the birth and impending medical interventions. Steph, you have been blessed with so much and may God continue to bless your family and lift you up every day! Rest in God's goodness and love..... you're in my prayers.
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