Gonzalez's Heart
Hello, it is great to hear from you all. I love coming on the site each day and seeing what everyone is up to. It is such a good way to keep connected to everyone. Today I had a doctor appointment and everything looks good with the baby. The doctor said "For only having 2 heart chambers formed, this little bundle has a very strong heart beat......" Maybe a miracle will still happen.
I do have a little protein in my urine (sorry for the too much info guys) which is the beginning signs of pre-eclampsia. Hopefully that does not get worse. She was not concerned at this point which is great.
The kids are playing outside today, it is so beautiful. Ethan insisted on wearing his flip flops. That did not last more then a minute. Wendy and Audrey (Sal's sister and her daughter) are hanging out today with us. The kids love playing together and I love the company. Wendy is always such a huge help when she is here which is so nice because then I can have a little break. We are going to make enchiladas and rice water for dinner. Yummy yummy. My favorite food is Mexican which before I met Sal, I would never eat because I did not like it at all.
Anyway, I better go and get groceries so all my little ones have something healthy to put in their tummies.
Love to you all and have a great weekend, Steph
Friday, March 10, 2006
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Hi Guys,
I am glad to hear that you had such a great day with your family.
the doctors appointment sounds like it was good and if they aren't worried at this point then you shouldn't be either. Just keep doing what you are doing! The days are counting down so fast so just enjoy these days at home before things get too hectic.
We wanted to paly outside today but after I got Evan from then bus they has snacks and he has to nap since he has hockey tonight at 5:30 and then again tomorrow AM at 7AM. He only has a couple of weeks to go and he really loves it. He actually gets up pretty easy for his early practices.
Have a great week-end and know that we continue to pray for you every day.
I love this site too. It is nice to check it every day and see all of the support that you are getting from your family and friends.
Krista and Family
PS. I think it is so true that Grandpa is watching over us, I know that Grandma is too. They are our angels. It is so awesome that we were pregnant right as they were about to leave this earth. It was meant to be!!
Hi There,
How much snow did you get? We have about 6 inches and it is still snowing. We have been out once while Owen was napping and it was so deep that the twins could hardly walk in it. Evan loves to play in the snow.
How was the food with Sal's sister? I know that you were looking farward to it. Are you feeling OK?
Just wanted to say HI and see how things are going.
Take care.
We did not get too much snow here. It was extremely windy though. We had a very good meal and a good time with Sal's sister.
I am feeling fine. I am extra crabby with everyone especailly when the kids are not listening. I have to help Ashley with her homework and then come back and update the main page. Talk to you later.
Love, Steph
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