When we had our first ultrasound, the baby was moving all over the place (fiesty like our other two) and they were not able to get a good look at the heart. So we had to have a second ultrasound. At this appointment, they were again unable to see all four chambers of the heart. Our doctor wanted a heart specialist to take a look, so we got a Fetal Echo done and we then meet with the Specialist.
Dr. Chip informed us that the baby's heart had only developed 2 of the 4 chambers a heart has, and would need to have surgery. Not what we wanted to hear.
So I will be scheduled to be induced at the U of M hospital about 2 weeks before I am due (end of March). When the baby is 3-5 days old, they will perfrom the 1st surgery. This will be the hardest one and this one is where there could be the most complications. The recovery time from this surgery could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months. So the baby will stay in ICU during this time and I will hopfully be staying at the Ronald McDonald House which is 2 blocks away. Sal and the kids will be at home with help from family and friends and then will come down on the weekends as long as we are there.
The 2nd surgery will take place around 7 months of age and the 3rd surgery will be around 3 years old. Each surgery will have their own possible complications and recovery time.
I will keep everyone posted with all of the new information and how things are going along the way through this site. I hope this is helpful for you all. Please feel free to ask any questions here as it may answer them for others. This will also be the way I will be able to talk through things, get a piece of home, and know you are all out there praying for this baby and our family.
What we can use the most is prayer. God has a plan in all of this and lessons for us to learn. I know with all of the great support we have, we will make it through this.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.
In Christ, Stephanie
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
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I am sorry to hear about the heart problems of your baby. We will keep all of you in our prayers! Stay strong.
Krista, Ken & Family
Thanks for setting this up Steph & Sal! Mitch and I have already been praying for you. We will help in any way we can!!
Steph & Mitch
Of course our prayers are with you! If ever there was a husband and wife that could handle a turn of events like this it is definetely you 2 with your faith and strength in each other. You've only to call and I know all of us will do what we can to help your family through this.
Love and prayers, Megan
Hi Steph & Sal,
Randall and I will always pray for your baby, you and your family.
Keep strong girl...
Asti & Randall
Sal and Steph,
We were truly sorry to hear of the problems little baby gonzalez is having, know that you will continue to stay in our prayers.
Stay strong and keep your faith in God, he will never leave your side.
All our Love,
Ethel, Edgar & Family
Steph and family,
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. We're in Bloomington if you need to stay with us. Our accomodations are meager, but you're always welcome! If you need a meal or a shower or extra clothes, a ride somewhere, a babysitter for Ashley/Ethan, or someone to talk to...ANYTHING...call me!
I work M-F, 7:30am - 4:30pm now.
work: 952-285-4015
cell: 952-261-6071
work email: angela@shippers-supply.com
home email: angie76@aol.com
Steph, Sal, Ash and Ethan... You are all in our thought and prayers! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help, we are just right down the road. Baby Gonzalez we are looking forward to meeting you very soon! Thanks for setting this blog up it will be very helpful for all of us to connect. Talk to you soon...
Love to you all,
Robyn and Bill
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