I wanted to make sure everyone could see these great updates that Mama Rose posted on the blog, so I'm just copying and pasting them from the comments section for her. =)
mama rose reporting from Jaden' s home said...
Well, it happened!! Jaden finally got to his own home. Robyn and I did some decorating to welcome him home and mommy home.
Ethan woke up this morning, happy and excited to see mommy, he got dressed quickly, even helped Ashley with her morning chores, after taking AShley to school, the two of us went and got more baloons, found a couple more presents, ... he was being very patient for mommy. I took him to day school and knew mommy would be home in a min. ... yup, I got back home and there they were. I got teary eyed... she was still in the garage and there was Jaden in his new car seat. At last!!! How divine. He said Hi Grandma I am home and now I am ready to eat.. so feed me.
Well I had lunch ready for Steph but life is different... she can't eat when she is hungry when she has a little one like Jaden. No, food had to wait.
First, he had to eat. I fed him... much more difficult than one knows. It is not like a normal feeding. I had to be taught how to mix the milk, I will still need more training. Then the feeding itself has to be different so he doesn't get too much. Then burping, changing diapers, mommy had to pump, then she had to figure out all the medications, she filled the daily doses and we talked about how to set up a meds stations, ... he got his meds...NOW WE CAN EAT. We were both hungry.
HOw was the rest of the day?... Well Steph got to pick up Ashley while I watched Jaden. When Ashley saw Ethan she was so happy and had to hold him. She was so thrilled.
Then it was time to pick up Ethan. So Steph surprised him and then when Ethan saw Jaden, at first he didn't know what to think then after his "second take" he did his jumping up and down and getting excited number.
He had to hold him...the rest of the afternoon, it was like they were after mommy all the time to help feed Jaden, to hold him, to give him his meds, Ethan couldn't understand why he couldn't give him the meds. Oh my, oh my. It was tiring just watching his determination and his not understanding that he couldn't just take care of him. Mommy was so good helping them with Jaden.
Well have they started to unpack yet? NO
While all this was happening, I was trying to fix dinner, because we had to hurry to get to Awana. You can imagine the challenge that Steph has to tend to Jaden's needs as well as two other mommy deprived children.
Now Sal has come home early and is unloading bags, etc.
When we got to Awana, Ethan had to point out to everyone that Jaden was HIS baby. He was so proud of him.
It was so nice to see how wonderful all the parents were at Awana, greeting Steph and Sal, hugging,and of course welcoming baby however they did.
So not later we are home, are they unpacked yet? No.
Tomorrow, there is so much to do and I hate to say, i must go home by late afternoon... I am exhausted.
Just having Ashley and Ethan, the day starts no later than 6:30... and then non stop.. unto 8:30 at night. Wheewww. Part of the schedules always involves doing various mental and artistic taskes. They love to sit down and do it too. They have those kids trained well. No TV for them...just creative activites. .
I give you all a glimps of this... because this is a mother. Many of you reading this know what all that means. Even after the kids go to bed, is their work even done then? No.
With a special baby, this is going to be very hard for Steph and Sal. It would be nice if money grew on trees, then Sal could stay at home, but he has to go win bread so he has to be gone.
For those who know me, at night time I can have a tenedency to ramble on .. I just found myself falling asleep while writing this... so I better be off to bed. Tomorrow night, I will be home to recouperate from some wild days. hehe
Being with the kids is a blessing, what a gift. Forget if Ethan is five hands full, I love them so much and it is a priviledge to be with them.
Well,everyone in the house is sleeping ... so I am on my way,Be patient with hearing from Steph... she sill has to unpack the computer.
nighty nite,Rose
mama rose said... UPDATE:
Stephanie has her hands so full, as I mentioned in my previous comment, it may be 1 day or 5 days before she can dig her computer out and take time for that. So I will share some update.
Yesterday we took Baby Jaden to his first "Well Child" check up. When I walked in, and saw those words it put a real smile in my heart. Well child..he now can be considered a "well Child". Yeaaaa!!!!
His check up was fine. I got to meet Jaden's Doctor, a marvelous Lady Doctor who is all what Stephanie said she was. She takes 150% interest in the children and families she sees.
Jaden has been drinking well. He has no problem with an appetite. That is good as one of the goals is to fatten him up. Steph says that he will, according to the doctors, always be slim.
Jaden seems to want to eat every couple of hours... Steph has to fix medication for 5 different times a day. This takes up the whole counter and lot of dedicated work. One she has to crush. Others she has to measure and then put in these dispensers. Sal does the best job in getting Jaden to swallow those medications.
We had a long list of things to do yesterday, but in taking care of Jaden, the list slips away and only a couple things gets done. Unpacking is there on the list... There are suitcases filled in the entrance and three times as many that are in the garage.
Sal has been tring to be at home much more but that means less income coming in and with more expenses, that could be a challenge. Challenges make us stronger. They are both creative and strong and as time passes, I am sure that they will figure out how to handle all these challenges that are divinely given them. Isn't that the secret? Knowing that God's hand is on everything? That he will give nothing that we can't handle. The secret to my days is to never not be in awe and gratitude for every single morning, to take in those early moments to see the wonderful gifts that are freely given, the new green buddying leaves, or the drops of rain, or the magical sunrise, the colors of the sky giving depth and hue to the clouds. How can anyone who does that ever start the day glum... Then add all the other gifts to be in gratitude and you can't help but to start the day energetic and with a song in the heart.
Oh, here I go rambling again. Anyway, I could not stay longer with the family this week. If only she and baby would have come at the beginning of the week. With me having some maybe heart complications the week before and also fighting some congestion in my lungs, 4 days were the maximum I could handle physically. I always will overdo and I don't mind and usually can easily handle it. This time, because my system was already compromised, I knew I had to go. So she is without anyone during the day today except if Sal can come home early. Thanks to Steph T. who has been taking our "hands full" young sweet Ethan, it helps handle the load.
So I ask that anyone out there reading this, please now send out prayers for Steph and Sal to handle all the extra responsibilities and stress.
So I am back home wishing I could have handled more, also feeling guilty, but I do know when I have to pause so I can work another time. :))
so by for now and extra blessings go out to Jaden and his mommy, daddy, sister and brother.
Love coming from his grandma Rose