Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Gonzalez's Heart
The count down continues...
I am due in 40 days. Take one to two weeks off for the induction, and that does not leave much time. We have gotten a little closer to finding someone to help watch the kids. One of the parents from Ashley's school has volunteered to help one day a week and we may have found a family who is willing to help the other day. The are both Christian people!!!
We are very excited for Friday's appointment. Our doctor here in St. Cloud said the Neo-natologist is great. After our appointments, we will spend most of the weekend in the cities having fun.
Bye for now. Hope you all have a great rest of the week. Make sure to check back early next week and we will post how the appointments went and hopefully, the date of delivery....
Love you all, Steph
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Gonzalez's Heart
Wow, where has the time gone. We will be having this little baby in about 1 month. (And we have not even come up with names...) We are excited to meet this little one who has already turned our world upside down.
I have another Dr. appointment Friday and then on March 3rd we will go to meet with the neonatologist in the cities. Hopefully at that point we will plan on the inducement date. I keep hoping to set a date and then we can't yet. Maybe this will be the appointment where we can.
We have wrapped most things up at home. We just need to find someone to watch our children Wednesdays and Thursdays. Keep the "search for the perfect provider" in your prayers. We would obviously like to find a christian who has a very kind, loving and patient heart. (As most of you know, Ethan is a wonderfully spirited boy who needs a patient hand.) Other then that, we are just going on with our day to day lives. Thank you all again for your continued support.
Love in Christ, Steph
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
Gonzalez's Heart
The last level 2 ultrasound looked really well. They said all of the other organs of the baby looked good and it is moving alot which is a very good sign.
Other then the obvious prayer request of smooth delivery and non complicated surgery, would be that the baby would be able to nurse. Half of the babies born with this problem are not able to eat on their own and we would not like to see this happen.
Hope you all have a great Valentine's day with your families and/or friends.
God bless, Steph
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Gonzalez's Heart
We wanted to thank you all for your support. We are so blessed to have you all in our lives. We have been blown away by how supportive you have been with emails, phone calls, comments on this blog site, hugs and flowers from my wonderful brother, sister-in-law and their kids. You are all going to make a huge difference in going through this hard time. We are so lucky!!
Many of you have asked if they can add us to their church prayer lists or tell others of this blog site so they can come and also pray. We would absolutely love that. We totally believe in the power of prayer and we want as many people praying for our family as possible. God can work miracles and a lot can happen with a community of people praying over all that is going on.
Every hour in every day is so different. We will all be perfectly fine one minute and the next, we will be crying out of the blue with wonder of what will happen. Emotions are everywhere and we just keep reminding ourselves it is in God's hands and it will all work out how it is meant to.
Next week we will go in for a Level 2 ultrasound and meet with a genealogist who will explain a lot to us. We will also have to go down to the cities soon to meet with some of the surgeons and specialists who will be helping heal our little baby. Right now everything with the baby is fine because the baby is living off of my umbilical cord.
May you all have a wonderful weekend!!! Our friend Kelly is coming for the weekend to help us get our house put back together and our friend Steph is going to help watch the kids so we can get a lot accomplished. We have fallen so behind in keeping our house up and Kelly will help bring us back up to speed. Thank you Kelly!!
Love and much thanks to you all,
Sal and Steph
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Gonzalez's Heart
Steph & Sal, Your family has a very difficult time ahead, but your faith, your love, your family and your friends will be by your side the entire way! You're right - God has a plan for all of us. We may not know what it is, but we have to trust him. We will keep all of you in our prayers.
Karen & Sam
6:44 PM